Tinder React 5
Created on Apr 05, 2021


I know. It took me so long to convert one of my best selling Ionic template: the Tinder UI. I just wanted to take a proper amount of time to enjoy the development on my own pace as well as deliver the best of the best practices of Ionic React. Tinder UI is now available in Ionic React 5.

The look might be exactly the same as the Angular version, but under the hood there was a lot going on to achieve the same thing on different framework. And I'm proud to say, a few things are even better with React.

Last but not least, I always take it serious to keep the code quality high, with clean and self-explained code.

What's in the package

  • Ionic Project source code: based on the folder structure generated with Ionic CLI
  • No Backend code: this is just the UI, not a fully functional app. Data is mostly static dummy unless mentioned, e.g GIF search uses the real Giphy API


Download APK to preview the theme:

enter image description here tinder-react-5_demo.apk

Watch on Youtube

See how it works on Youtube: https://youtu.be/kaBSWidJ0bg

Happy prototyping!

enter image description here


Note: All updates are for Ionic React

Last updated: April 5, 2021

v1 (April 5, 2021)

  • First version


  1. Welcome
  2. Explore (Swiping)
  3. Matched
  4. Me
  5. Settings
  6. Profile
  7. Profile Edit
  8. Passions Edit
  9. Top picks - Likes
  10. Messaging
  11. Feed
  12. Chat (including Giphy keyboard)
  13. Dark mode switch

Run locally

1.Install Ionic environment

$ npm install -g @ionic/cli@6.12.0

2.After purchasing, download the zip file containing the entire demo app and unzip

3.Go inside the extracted folder

4.Install all dependencies

$ npm install

5.Start local server

$ ionic serve

6.Your default browser should now automatically open the template


1.Modify the default theme colors to match Tinder's colors in src/sass/variables.override.scss

:root {
  /** primary **/
  --ion-color-primary: #fd5068;
  --ion-color-primary-rgb: 253,80,104;
  --ion-color-primary-contrast: #ffffff;
  --ion-color-primary-contrast-rgb: 0,0,0;
  --ion-color-primary-shade: #df465c;
  --ion-color-primary-tint: #fd6277;

2.I personally like the look on iOS so I forced the theme to iOS mode. You can config that to suit your need

# in src/App.tsx
import { setupConfig } from '@ionic/react';
  mode: 'ios',
  backButtonText: '',


npm install --save axios lodash react-swing node-sass

Build with capacitor

First of all, make sure that you can Run Locally (see the instruction above).

# build web asset (to folder www)
$ ionic build

# add platform (ios or android)
$ ionic capacitor add ios

# prepare app icons and splash images
$ npm run resources

# copy web assets into the native project
$ ionic capacitor copy ios

# open Xcode, then build the native app from there
$ ionic capacitor open ios

# OR run in live-reload mode
$ ionic capacitor run ios -l --external

See more:

Ionic - iOS Development

Ionic - Android Development

Migrating a Web App Using Cordova to Capacitor


If you need any technical support or have any questions, don't hesitate to send me a message: mr_hie@yahoo.com

Homepage: https://www.takethatdesign.com

[PROMO] Ionic 4 Bundle: 4 in 1 - Best Seller

My best Ionic 4 products (3 themes + 1 plugin) are now on sale with promotion code BUNDLE4. Please click the button below for more information.

Purchase Externally

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2024, by Hieu Pham